Session 1 - Introduction to python
This first week of this elective will be used for introducing this elective and making sure that you all have the software needed to follow along.
The first part of today will be an “overview” and “installation” day. We need to be on the same level before we start. You will furthermore get an introduction to the unix filesystem and commandline and you will have exercises in controling your computer through the commandline.
In the second part you will get an overview of the python language and you will start to get familiar with the language and the development enviroment. We will focus this first lesson on strings and string manipulations.
Learning goals
After this week you will:
Have an overview of how this elective is structured, and what you can expeted to learn during this semester.
Have a basic understanding of a python development enviroment, and know how to use it.
Be able to work with python strings, conditions and functions.
Exercise 1: Strings1 & Strings2 (Solution (is online Monday))
What Does It Take To Be An Expert At Python? (this you can do in the end of this semester)