Introduction to Python
fall 2023
Intro information
Claus Bové
Teaches * Intro to python * SWA on ITA
Course Material
Link to this on Fronter every week
What is python?
A simple to use interface (API) for executing C kode
What is Python used for
What is python used for
“Python where we can, C++ where we must.” (Google)
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Learning goals
The goal of this elective is to make you a better, and a more clear thinking programmer, and to make you able to be so using python as your programming language.
All in all you should at the end of this semester have aquired the compentencies required to perform in a job situation where python is needed.
The most important learning goal is that you in the end will be able to write pythonic code
Course Workload
This course is 10 ECTS points which translates to 13 hours pr. week, including classes.
12 weeks of teaching
2 weeks of exam preperation
2, 3, 4 january
Mandatory Assignments
2 mandatory assignments in this elective * 1st session 3, 7. september * 2nd session 12, 16. november
Software needed
VS Code & Jupyter Notebook
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