Solutions for the mandatory assignments on sets and dicts
1. Model an organisation of employees, management and board of directors in 3 sets.
bd = {'Benny', 'Hans', 'Tine', 'Mille', 'Torben', 'Troels', 'Søren'}
ma = {'Tine', 'Trunte', 'Rane'}
em = {'Niels', 'Anna', 'Tine', 'Ole', 'Trunte', 'Bent', 'Rane', 'Allan', 'Stine', 'Claus', 'James', 'Lars'}
1. who in the board of directors is not an employee?
# difference
bd - em
{'Benny', 'Hans', 'Mille', 'Søren', 'Torben', 'Troels'}
2. who in the board of directors is also an employee?
# Intersection
bd & em
3. how many of the management is also member of the board?
# intersection
len(ma & bd)
4. (is) All members of the managent also an employee
# subset
ma <= em
5. (is) All members of the management also in the board?
# subset
ma <= bd
6. Who is an employee, member of the management, and a member of the board?
# Intersection
em & ma & bd
7. Who of the employee is neither a memeber or the board or management?
em - bd - ma
{'Allan', 'Anna', 'Bent', 'Claus', 'James', 'Lars', 'Niels', 'Ole', 'Stine'}
read about sets here:
2. Create a list of tuples from the folowing datastructure
alphabet = {'a': 'Alpha', 'b' : 'Beta', 'g': 'Gamma'}
done through a loop:
t = []
for key, value in alphabet.items():
t.append((key, value))
[('a', 'Alpha'), ('b', 'Beta'), ('g', 'Gamma')]
or a list comprehension
[(key,value) for key, value in alphabet.items()]
[('a', 'Alpha'), ('b', 'Beta'), ('g', 'Gamma')]
3. From these 2 sets:
s1 = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'}
s2 = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'æ' ,'ø', 'å'}
Of the 2 sets create a:
s1 | s2
{'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
{'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y', 'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
Symmetric Difference
s1 ^ s2
{'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
{'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
s1 - s2
s2 - s1
{'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
{'å', 'æ', 'ø'}
s1 & s2
{'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'}
4. Date Decoder.
A date of the form 8-MAR-85 includes the name of the month, which must be translated to a number.
Create a dict suitable for decoding month names to numbers.
Create a function which uses string operations to split the date into 3 items using the “-” character.
Translate the month, correct the year to include all of the digits.
The function will accept a date in the “dd-MMM-yy” format and respond with a tuple of ( y , m , d ).
month_dict = {'JAN' : 1, 'FEB':2, 'MAR':3,'APR':4, 'MAY':5,'JUN':6, 'JUL':7,'AUG':8, 'SEP':9,'OCT':10,'NOV':11,'DEC':12}
def manipulate_date(x):
x = x.split('-')
return (x[0], month_dict[x[1]], x[2])
('12', 4, '90')
5. Party exercise
# Define the sets of invited friends and friends who have RSVP'd
invited_friends = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"}
rsvp_friends = {"Charlie", "David", "Eve", "Frank"}
# Find the friends who have not RSVP'd
not_rsvpd = invited_friends - rsvp_friends
# Find the friends who were not invited but RSVP'd
not_invited = rsvp_friends - invited_friends
# Find the friends who are common in both lists (i.e., invited and RSVP'd)
common_friends = invited_friends & rsvp_friends
# Print the results
print("Friends who have not RSVP'd: ", not_rsvpd)
print("Friends who were not invited but RSVP'd: ", not_invited)
print("Friends who are common in both lists: ", common_friends)
Friends who have not RSVP'd: {'Alice', 'Bob'}
Friends who were not invited but RSVP'd: {'Frank', 'Eve'}
Friends who are common in both lists: {'David', 'Charlie'}
# Define the dictionary of students and their grades
students_grades = {
"Alice": 90,
"Bob": 80,
"Charlie": 85,
"David": 70,
"Eve": 88
# Update the grades of specific students
students_grades["Bob"] = 86
students_grades["David"] = 89
# Find and print the names of students who have a grade higher than 85
for student, grade in students_grades.items():
if grade > 85:
print(f"{student} has a grade higher than 85.")
Alice has a grade higher than 85.
Bob has a grade higher than 85.
David has a grade higher than 85.
Eve has a grade higher than 85.