Exercise: Protocol - linked-list


In python there is not a build in linked list. If you want to use this datastructure, you either have to make it yourself or import a module (where someone else did it for you.).

You should chose the first option: create it yourself.

Definition of a linked list

A linked list consists of Node objects with 2 instance variables (data and next).

1class Node:
2     def __init__(self, data):
3             self.data = data
4             self.next = None

And a LinkedList with 1 instance variable:

1class LinkedList:
2     def __init__(self):
3             self.head = None

You can assign Nodes to the list like:

llist = LinkedList()
llist.head = Node('Data of first Node')        # head is a pointer to a Node with data off 'Data of First Node'
llist.head.next = Node('Data of second Node') # next belongs to 'Data of First Node' Node and points to 'Data of second Node' Node.


The Linked List should on a higher level behave like the build in List object. So you could in your interpretor type

>>> help(list)

The underscore methods (__add__ etc.) you can see in the documentation using help(list) should be implemented in your LinkedList (or at least as many as possible)

A description of the implemented methods and their behaviour can be seen here:

../_images/list_tup1.png ../_images/list_tup2.png

The features described below should for sure be implement.

  • Make you LinkeList able to tell its length if len(llist) is called.

  • You should be able to access the lists elements like this llist[1] and llist[-1]

  • The list should be able to handle slicing syntax llist[1:4] and llist[-1:-4:-1]

  • The list should be able to add new items using this syntax llist[3] = Node(3)

  • The llinkedList should be able to return a string representation of its state when calling str() and repr()

  • Make the linkedlist able to being added with another linkedlist using the + operator

  • Multiply the list x times llist * 3

Remember that a very good description of these underscore methods can be found in this weeks reading materials.