Session 5 - Utilities and Modules

Today, we will continue working with modules, focusing specifically on the third-party module BeautifulSoup for web scraping. Additionally, you will learn how to persistently save your installed modules (done using pip install) within your Docker containers.

Learning goals

After this week you will be able to:

  • Use python build in modules.

  • Find and use 3rd party modules.

  • Save and Share your modules installed in a docker container.

  • work with markdown documents.

  • Work with the module BeautifullSoup for webscrabing.




Ex 1: Clone, build and run

  • Clone this repository:

    • $ git clone

  • CD into clbo-alpine-dev-env

    • $ cd clbo-alpine-dev-env

  • Build an Image based on the repositorys Dockerfile.

    • $ docker build --tag test/python .

  • Run a container based on this image

    • $ docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/docs test/python

Ex 2: Node app and docker

In this exercise you are not going to code in python. The programming language used is Javascript, and the application is a Node.js application. However, the purpouse of the exercise is not the language but it is to use Docker to run an application.

Ex 3: Create and run a ‘Hello world’ C application


Based on this docker image: create and run a Hello World app, written i the C language.

The code you need is something like this:

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    // printf() displays the string inside quotation
    printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;


The approach is not different from what you have done with Docker and python files so far.
- You should build a container based on an image (gcc) and
- You should share a volume (-v ${PWD}:/docs) between your host computer and your container where your hello world file are in.
- You should then compile and run the file in the container.
Compiling and running a c program is new to you, and you will have investigate that topic.

Ex 4: Docker’ise’ your own projects

This exercise should be done in groups.

  • You should create a project that makes use of the requests module.

  • You should push this project to a github account and all in the group should have push rights to this repository.

  • The project should contain a Dockerfile that has a pip install -r requirements.txt line in it.

  • All group members should clone the repository, build the image based on the Dockerfile, and run a container with the right modules installed.

When this setup is up and running each group member should:

  • install a new 3rd. party module in the container. (look at

  • Create some simple (maybe even stupid) code that makes use of this module

  • do a pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Push the changes to github

  • Pull the other group members changes and do a docker build --tag nameoftheimage:latest .


It might be a good idea that each group member does this one at a time.


Ex 5: Build a Web Scraper With Python


  1. Build a Web Scraper With Python

  2. Find all relevant python jobs on this website: or

Ex 6: Simple scraber with requests (and BS)

Do the Ex 7: Simple scraber with requests exercise from last week but now also by using the BeautifullSoup module.

Ex 7: From Html to Markdown

Get the html of this page , and change it from a html page to a Markdown page.

You can read a bit about markdown here


This should of cause be done “automatically” by a python application that you create for the purpouse.